Quote of the Day
Our love for others should be tenderhearted and compassionate. Like the Good Samaritan, then, let us draw near to the wounded.
~Jules Chevalier, MSC


7 Feast of the Sacred Heart

On this special feast for us and for all the Chevalier family, we gathered for Eucharist; Presider was Fr Philip Malone, MSC.  Time together over lunch was very enjoyable.



Holy Eucharist, St Albans South. A song of joy!  

Those of us who were part of ministry at Holy Eucharist Parish were invited to join what was a very special occasion: the Blessing and Official Opening of the Catherine McAuley Learning Centre at Holy Eucharist School.

On the parish feast day, Corpus Christi, Presider at Eucharist was Auxiliary Bishop Martin Ashe. We appreciated the children’s full-throated but natural responses at mass, the way they interacted with us as well as their pride in their school and in their Principal, a student of ours.

In 1928 six MSC Sisters arrived in Australia.
They were to begin a foundation that would provide a refuge for weary Missionaries in Papua New Guinea and nearby Islands who were in need of medical care and rest.
The Salesian Fathers in Sunbury, Victoria,offered us a position in the domestic departmentof their boarding school, “Rupertswood.”

Together with Mother Liboria in this new mission were:
Sisters Eulalia, Aquilina, Marillia, Zaccharia and Margareta.


We, the members of the Australian Province of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart respectfully
acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we now live.
We acknowledge their elders both past and present.
May we honour their spirituality by being good and responsible stewards of this land.

(From Acknowledgement of Country in Province Directory MSC Sisters Australian Province).