Quote of the Day
I aim and will always try to work for God alone; to love only God and everything else for love of God.
~Hubert Linckens, MSC



7 Today we received news that our wonderful missionary Sr. Kathleen Houlihan entered Eternal Life.
May she rest peacefully in the God she loved.

7 Feast of the Sacred Heart

On this special feast for us and for all the Chevalier family, we gathered for Eucharist; Presider was Fr Philip Malone, MSC.  Time together over lunch was very enjoyable.



Holy Eucharist, St Albans South. A song of joy!  

Those of us who were part of ministry at Holy Eucharist Parish were invited to join what was a very special occasion: the Blessing and Official Opening of the Catherine McAuley Learning Centre at Holy Eucharist School.

On the parish feast day, Corpus Christi, Presider at Eucharist was Auxiliary Bishop Martin Ashe. We appreciated the children’s full-throated but natural responses at mass, the way they interacted with us as well as their pride in their school and in their Principal, a student of ours.

News 2018








msc sisters scholar

In recent years the MSC Sisters have financed scholarships for further studies. Aboriginal students have received scholarships for University studies.

Notice has been published for  a 2019 scholarship: Spiritual Care and Mental Health Scholarship

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (MSC Sisters) will offer a scholarship in 2019 to support a student (or students) to undertake a stream of study that focusses on the spiritual care of people living with a mental illness. The course of study, including accredited units in Clinical Pastoral Education, may be taken at postgraduate or undergraduate level. Recipients of the Scholarship will be expected to provide MSC Sisters with mid-year and end-of-year progress reports.

Applications for the scholarship may be submitted by students who are presently studying spiritual care and/or mental health.

This scholarship is a special focus of our 90th Anniversary of our Australian Province.


9 December 1954                

Profession of first Peruvian MSC Sisters in Lima, Peru.



1 December 2018


CRA day logo


In a collective response from Catholic religious orders across the country, religious women and men will hold a National Day of Sorrow and Promise on Sunday, December 2, the beginning of Advent and the start of a new Church year. This is to reflect a new way of being Church in Australia.

The day has emerged to acknowledge survivors of abuse within the Catholic Church and all those who have been hurt by that abuse. Underpinning this, is a clear promise for a better, safer future.

“Action is happening. The process is already under way to reform the Church’s practices to ensure that safeguarding is integral in all that we do as part of our ministry and outreach in the community. This is at the heart of our mission,” said Sr Monica Cavanagh rsj, President of Catholic Religious Australia. “We are committed to implementing these recommendations and reforming our governance and our culture.”

While this reform is underway, Sr Monica is clear: “We must continue to hold and honour those who spoke their stories to break the silence”.

In addition to apologising again for the tragedy of abuse, the purpose of the day is also to acknowledge those who work in the interests of persons harmed by abuse and those who work for the safety of the vulnerable.

Catholic Religious women and men will gather in solidarity, to recognise the pain of abuse in collaboration with their own local communities on December 2, in different cities and towns across the nation by holding a Liturgy of Sorrow and Promise from 5pm to 6pm.

Our commitment to safeguarding is founded on our faith in Jesus Christ who teaches the fundamental sanctity of each human person. Safeguarding must now and always be at the heart of all that we do as part of our ministry and outreach in the community.

MSC SISTERS join this collective response.


5 October 1922

Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, first Provincial Superior of Germany (1897-1910) and founder of our Congregation Missionary  Sisters of the Sacred Heart, died in Hiltrup, Germany.  Fr Linckens guided the MSC Sisters until 1911 at which time he became the first General Assistant of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and in this capacity lived in Australia from 1914-1920. Because World War I, he couldn’t return to Italy and therefore stayed in Australia, during which time he helped in the up-building and promotion of the AustralianProvince of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

He has departed that untiring labourer in the vineyard of the Lord.    Death ended a precious life, a life of perfect fidelity to duty, daring initiative, and boundless confidence in God.

To him no obstacle seemed insurmountable. The founding of the German Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and that of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Hiltrup constituted the climax of his work.  On 5th October 1922 at 5 am he departed this life calmly and resignedly to enter his eternal home.”                                                                                                                                                             Fr Josef Niede                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hiltruper Monatschefte   November 1922

30 September 2018

Celebrating Patricia Rush’s 80th Jubilee, 99th Birthday

Family and Sisters joined together to celebrate Trish’s life and to give thanks for her very considerable contribution to health care and to our Province. Marie Therese Glavin, MSC (dec) and Trish were the first two Australian MSC Sisters.

MSC SISTERS meet Fr Abzalon Tovar MSC Superior General

12 September 2018

It was a joy to meet Fr Abzalon and to share Eucharist with him and some of his confreres.


10 September 2018

Opening of 40th Anniversary of APIA was attended by the MSC Superior General during his visitation  in Australia, with a keynote address to be delivered by Fr. Brian Gallagher, MSC.

Sr Mary Drum and joins other conference participants.


8 September 2018


MSC Sisters Mary Drum and Carmel Butler joined Khoi, his family, confreres and friends at his Ordination at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Bonnyrigg, NSW and his Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Kensington.

Congratulations Khoi!


Celebrating 50th Jubilee

Pat Austin, Brian  Gallagher and Keith Humphries MSC

A joint cutting of the cake made by Sr Floriane Melinz MSC for the occasion, with our congratulations.

2 September 2018


Thanksgiving for the life of Sr Theresa Cresp 

All Hallows Balwyn

3 September 2019

Sr Mary Drum assists Fr Tony Doran at Tess’ graveside, Eltham Cemetery.

Sr Maureen Sheehan

‘We as a province have been enriched by her dedication, commitment and example. She brought much laughter into community with her endless witticism and ability to see the funny side of things which I am sure lightened a heavy day in both her days work in the hospital or in the School of Nursing and in more recent years at St Catherine’s. ‘ from Maureen’s Eulogy.

27 August 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the death today of our dear Sr Theresa Cresp.

Sr Theresa Cresp RIP

“In you, Lord, I have found my peace.”  Response to Psalm 130, today’s liturgy.

Sr. Tess, (Xavier) MSC
Theresa Agnes
Died peacefully on Aug 27, 2018 after a short illness, aged 95 years.
Dearly loved member of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC Srs) in the 75th year of her religious Profession.  In her professional ministry Tess served many people compassionately and skilfully in midwifery, general nursing and aged care.  Tess had a heart for others, offering wise and practical support where needed.   She used her creative craft skills to bring joy to others and support needy causes.  Tess was a woman of faith who cherished the companionship of her sisters, family and friends throughout her long life.
We thank all at St. Catherine’s VMCH Aged care facility for their loving care of Sr. Theresa (Tess) through many years.
May she rest in peace in the Heart of our Loving God.

5 August 1982

MSC Sisters open Novitiate in Bangalore, India.

3 August 1899

First community of MSC Sisters is established in Hiltrup, Germany: Sisters of Divine Providence Srs Servatia and Severine with an MSC Candidate. Sr Servatia was appointed the first Superior general of the MSC Sisters in Hiltrup.


1 July 2018

The first Sunday of July has been mandated by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday.

“The dark abyss of Aboriginal History in Australia, as we
know it, has been remarkably bathed in the light that
emanates from the goodness, and the heroic efforts, of many
people who are driven by a sense of charity and a longing
for what is right. Most notably among these people are
numerous mothers in Indigenous Communities throughout
the land whose love and determination have achieved
inspirational things for themselves and their families. In
prayerful thanksgiving we salute them and commend them
to Almighty God and to the care of Mary, the Mother of the
Church, who has steadfastly lived the Beatitudes of Jesus.
May these mothers continue to emulate Mother Mary in
what they say and in what they do. In the words of the Holy
Father, Pope Francis: “She is that woman who rejoiced in the
presence of God, who treasured everything in her heart and
who let herself be pierced by the sword. Mary is the saint
among the saints, blessed above all others. She teaches us
                                                                     the way of holiness and she walks ever at our side.”                                                                                                                              From Bishops’ Pastoral Letter 2018: Because of her, we can!  

MSC Sisters have a history of  support  for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and continue this today through educational opportunities.



June 20

                                                      #WithRefugees is the theme for Refugee Week 2018 in Australia. (17-23 June)


Feast of the Sacred Heart

8 June 2018 


1 June, 1940

Mother M Electa, MSC, promises to build a chapel in honour of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, in Hiltrup, Germany, to seek protection for the Congregation and its works during World War II.


                                                                                  Mother Liboria’s family visit                                                                                 17 May 2018

Mother Liboria’s family shared their story as post-war refugees and how she assisted them to find  safety and welcome in their adopted homeland, Australia.  Family – MSC connections over so many generations!



3 May 2018  
Anniversary Dinner


Sr Mary Drum, Provincial, offers a reflection
Sr Patricia Carty cuts the Anniversary Cake.
  “We were asked by the Bishop of Melbourne and are now ready for a new Mission in Australia….we are the seed – unless the seed goes into the ground and dies, it will not come up and sprout into new life.  So it will go for us. We must all live our motto: May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Mother Liboria to Sr Renata MSC, USA 1928))
Mother Liboria Löper arrived in Australia 3 May 1928

It was Thursday 3 May, 1928.  Mother Liboria arrived in Coogee, Sydney to begin the Australian foundation that would later become our Australian Province.  She was 38 years old.

Her ‘yes’ and that of those who followed after her enabled the mission in Papua New Guinea to be supported.  This she did by first establishing a hospital, Mena House, East Melbourne, then later other hospitals. Sisters were involved in care of the sick, the elderly, education and the many and varied works that accompanied these. By the end of World War 11 a few Australian-born Sisters were able to join the mission in New Guinea.

9 April 2018                                                              
  FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION –                                                                                                                                        FOUNDATION DAY OF OUR AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE

Prayer by Fr Linckens

CELEBRATING KATH HOULIHAN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY                                                                                                                                                                                     A few words of appreciation for  Kath from Francis Baum MSC,  on behalf of us all.


25 March 2018  



St Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne

Walk for Justice for Refugees to  State Library 

From Pope Francis: “Whoever turns refugees away, forgets that Jesus was also one.


25 March 1977                                                                                                                                                                                                Foundation Day of the Indian Mission of the MSC Sisters.

25 March, 1901
First Profession ceremony of 10 MSC Sisters in Hiltrup.



24 March 2018

Vigil of Feast of the Annunciation


20 March, 1886
Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, who becomes historical founder of the MSC Sisters,
is ordained at s’Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

March, 1935
Mother M. Electa, Superior General of the MSC Sisters, and the Procurator General, Sr. M. Gerberga are arrested by the Gestapo in Hiltrup.
They are falsely accused of trafficking foreign currencies by Joseph Goebbels, Minister of the Propaganda of the German Third Reich.
Mother M. Electa will be released from prison one year later, on the 18 March, 1936.

12 March, 1965
The first two German MSC Sisters leave Hiltrup, Germany, to establish a foundation in Korea.
They arrived on the 24 March, 1965 and the next day, 25 March, 1965, was the Foundation Day of the Korean Mission of the MSC Sisters.
Besides almost 200 professed members in the Korean Province there are many enthusiastically committed lay members.


9 March, 1906
The first Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart is elected: Sister M. Franziska Fleige.


14 February


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lenten discipline for many Christian churches. It is traditionally a time of fasting and prayer. There are those who chose this time of the year to donate to charities.

Caritas offers the opportunity to donate through Project Compassion which this year is focused on the theme “A Just Future,” and features a new country each week, the stories explain the issues faced in each country.


 5 February, 1900
Canonical Erection of the Congregation of MSC Sisters and approbation of the Statutes for five years.


 2 February 2018

World Day for Consecrated life

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

In his homily at the Vatican Basilica Pope Francis reflected on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which is celebrated forty days after Christmas. He spoke of religious life as encounter with God and others and continued,

” For if the young are called to open new doors, the elderly hold the keys. An institute remains youthful by going back to its roots, by listening to its older members. There is no future without this encounter between the old and the young. There is no growth without roots and no flowering without new buds. There is never prophecy without memory, or memory without prophecy. And constant encounter.”



1 February 

SPIRIT and MISSION –     a time of reflection and prayer on what we have received and what we may be called to now.              

Our Founding Sisters of the Australian Province Eulalia, Aquilina, Maurillia, Zaccharia, Margareta.


1 January 2018

        51st WORLD DAY OF PEACE

Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace

Peace to all people and to all nations on earth! Peace, which the angels proclaimed to the shepherds on Christmas night      is a profound aspiration for everyone, for each individual and all peoples, and especially for those who most keenly suffer its absence. Among these whom I constantly keep in my thoughts and prayers, I would once again mention the over 250 million migrants worldwide, of whom 22.5 million are refugees. In a spirit of compassion, let us embrace all those fleeing from war and hunger, or forced by discrimination, persecution, poverty and environmental degradation to leave their homelands.

News 2018








msc sisters scholar

In recent years the MSC Sisters have financed scholarships for further studies. Aboriginal students have received scholarships for University studies.

Notice has been published for  a 2019 scholarship: Spiritual Care and Mental Health Scholarship

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (MSC Sisters) will offer a scholarship in 2019 to support a student (or students) to undertake a stream of study that focusses on the spiritual care of people living with a mental illness. The course of study, including accredited units in Clinical Pastoral Education, may be taken at postgraduate or undergraduate level. Recipients of the Scholarship will be expected to provide MSC Sisters with mid-year and end-of-year progress reports.

Applications for the scholarship may be submitted by students who are presently studying spiritual care and/or mental health.

This scholarship is a special focus of our 90th Anniversary of our Australian Province.


9 December 1954                

Profession of first Peruvian MSC Sisters in Lima, Peru.



1 December 2018


CRA day logo


In a collective response from Catholic religious orders across the country, religious women and men will hold a National Day of Sorrow and Promise on Sunday, December 2, the beginning of Advent and the start of a new Church year. This is to reflect a new way of being Church in Australia.

The day has emerged to acknowledge survivors of abuse within the Catholic Church and all those who have been hurt by that abuse. Underpinning this, is a clear promise for a better, safer future.

“Action is happening. The process is already under way to reform the Church’s practices to ensure that safeguarding is integral in all that we do as part of our ministry and outreach in the community. This is at the heart of our mission,” said Sr Monica Cavanagh rsj, President of Catholic Religious Australia. “We are committed to implementing these recommendations and reforming our governance and our culture.”

While this reform is underway, Sr Monica is clear: “We must continue to hold and honour those who spoke their stories to break the silence”.

In addition to apologising again for the tragedy of abuse, the purpose of the day is also to acknowledge those who work in the interests of persons harmed by abuse and those who work for the safety of the vulnerable.

Catholic Religious women and men will gather in solidarity, to recognise the pain of abuse in collaboration with their own local communities on December 2, in different cities and towns across the nation by holding a Liturgy of Sorrow and Promise from 5pm to 6pm.

Our commitment to safeguarding is founded on our faith in Jesus Christ who teaches the fundamental sanctity of each human person. Safeguarding must now and always be at the heart of all that we do as part of our ministry and outreach in the community.

MSC SISTERS join this collective response.


5 October 1922

Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, first Provincial Superior of Germany (1897-1910) and founder of our Congregation Missionary  Sisters of the Sacred Heart, died in Hiltrup, Germany.  Fr Linckens guided the MSC Sisters until 1911 at which time he became the first General Assistant of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and in this capacity lived in Australia from 1914-1920. Because World War I, he couldn’t return to Italy and therefore stayed in Australia, during which time he helped in the up-building and promotion of the AustralianProvince of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

He has departed that untiring labourer in the vineyard of the Lord.    Death ended a precious life, a life of perfect fidelity to duty, daring initiative, and boundless confidence in God.

To him no obstacle seemed insurmountable. The founding of the German Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and that of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Hiltrup constituted the climax of his work.  On 5th October 1922 at 5 am he departed this life calmly and resignedly to enter his eternal home.”                                                                                                                                                             Fr Josef Niede                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hiltruper Monatschefte   November 1922

30 September 2018

Celebrating Patricia Rush’s 80th Jubilee, 99th Birthday

Family and Sisters joined together to celebrate Trish’s life and to give thanks for her very considerable contribution to health care and to our Province. Marie Therese Glavin, MSC (dec) and Trish were the first two Australian MSC Sisters.

MSC SISTERS meet Fr Abzalon Tovar MSC Superior General

12 September 2018

It was a joy to meet Fr Abzalon and to share Eucharist with him and some of his confreres.


10 September 2018

Opening of 40th Anniversary of APIA was attended by the MSC Superior General during his visitation  in Australia, with a keynote address to be delivered by Fr. Brian Gallagher, MSC.

Sr Mary Drum and joins other conference participants.


8 September 2018


MSC Sisters Mary Drum and Carmel Butler joined Khoi, his family, confreres and friends at his Ordination at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Bonnyrigg, NSW and his Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Kensington.

Congratulations Khoi!


Celebrating 50th Jubilee

Pat Austin, Brian  Gallagher and Keith Humphries MSC

A joint cutting of the cake made by Sr Floriane Melinz MSC for the occasion, with our congratulations.

2 September 2018


Thanksgiving for the life of Sr Theresa Cresp 

All Hallows Balwyn

3 September 2019

Sr Mary Drum assists Fr Tony Doran at Tess’ graveside, Eltham Cemetery.

Sr Maureen Sheehan

‘We as a province have been enriched by her dedication, commitment and example. She brought much laughter into community with her endless witticism and ability to see the funny side of things which I am sure lightened a heavy day in both her days work in the hospital or in the School of Nursing and in more recent years at St Catherine’s. ‘ from Maureen’s Eulogy.

27 August 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the death today of our dear Sr Theresa Cresp.

Sr Theresa Cresp RIP

“In you, Lord, I have found my peace.”  Response to Psalm 130, today’s liturgy.

Sr. Tess, (Xavier) MSC
Theresa Agnes
Died peacefully on Aug 27, 2018 after a short illness, aged 95 years.
Dearly loved member of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC Srs) in the 75th year of her religious Profession.  In her professional ministry Tess served many people compassionately and skilfully in midwifery, general nursing and aged care.  Tess had a heart for others, offering wise and practical support where needed.   She used her creative craft skills to bring joy to others and support needy causes.  Tess was a woman of faith who cherished the companionship of her sisters, family and friends throughout her long life.
We thank all at St. Catherine’s VMCH Aged care facility for their loving care of Sr. Theresa (Tess) through many years.
May she rest in peace in the Heart of our Loving God.

5 August 1982

MSC Sisters open Novitiate in Bangalore, India.

3 August 1899

First community of MSC Sisters is established in Hiltrup, Germany: Sisters of Divine Providence Srs Servatia and Severine with an MSC Candidate. Sr Servatia was appointed the first Superior general of the MSC Sisters in Hiltrup.


1 July 2018

The first Sunday of July has been mandated by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday.

“The dark abyss of Aboriginal History in Australia, as we
know it, has been remarkably bathed in the light that
emanates from the goodness, and the heroic efforts, of many
people who are driven by a sense of charity and a longing
for what is right. Most notably among these people are
numerous mothers in Indigenous Communities throughout
the land whose love and determination have achieved
inspirational things for themselves and their families. In
prayerful thanksgiving we salute them and commend them
to Almighty God and to the care of Mary, the Mother of the
Church, who has steadfastly lived the Beatitudes of Jesus.
May these mothers continue to emulate Mother Mary in
what they say and in what they do. In the words of the Holy
Father, Pope Francis: “She is that woman who rejoiced in the
presence of God, who treasured everything in her heart and
who let herself be pierced by the sword. Mary is the saint
among the saints, blessed above all others. She teaches us
                                                                     the way of holiness and she walks ever at our side.”                                                                                                                              From Bishops’ Pastoral Letter 2018: Because of her, we can!  

MSC Sisters have a history of  support  for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and continue this today through educational opportunities.



June 20

                                                      #WithRefugees is the theme for Refugee Week 2018 in Australia. (17-23 June)


Feast of the Sacred Heart

8 June 2018 


1 June, 1940

Mother M Electa, MSC, promises to build a chapel in honour of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, in Hiltrup, Germany, to seek protection for the Congregation and its works during World War II.


                                                                                  Mother Liboria’s family visit                                                                                 17 May 2018

Mother Liboria’s family shared their story as post-war refugees and how she assisted them to find  safety and welcome in their adopted homeland, Australia.  Family – MSC connections over so many generations!



3 May 2018  
Anniversary Dinner


Sr Mary Drum, Provincial, offers a reflection
Sr Patricia Carty cuts the Anniversary Cake.
  “We were asked by the Bishop of Melbourne and are now ready for a new Mission in Australia….we are the seed – unless the seed goes into the ground and dies, it will not come up and sprout into new life.  So it will go for us. We must all live our motto: May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Mother Liboria to Sr Renata MSC, USA 1928))
Mother Liboria Löper arrived in Australia 3 May 1928

It was Thursday 3 May, 1928.  Mother Liboria arrived in Coogee, Sydney to begin the Australian foundation that would later become our Australian Province.  She was 38 years old.

Her ‘yes’ and that of those who followed after her enabled the mission in Papua New Guinea to be supported.  This she did by first establishing a hospital, Mena House, East Melbourne, then later other hospitals. Sisters were involved in care of the sick, the elderly, education and the many and varied works that accompanied these. By the end of World War 11 a few Australian-born Sisters were able to join the mission in New Guinea.

9 April 2018                                                              
  FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION –                                                                                                                                        FOUNDATION DAY OF OUR AUSTRALIAN PROVINCE

Prayer by Fr Linckens

CELEBRATING KATH HOULIHAN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY                                                                                                                                                                                     A few words of appreciation for  Kath from Francis Baum MSC,  on behalf of us all.


25 March 2018  



St Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne

Walk for Justice for Refugees to  State Library 

From Pope Francis: “Whoever turns refugees away, forgets that Jesus was also one.


25 March 1977                                                                                                                                                                                                Foundation Day of the Indian Mission of the MSC Sisters.

25 March, 1901
First Profession ceremony of 10 MSC Sisters in Hiltrup.



24 March 2018

Vigil of Feast of the Annunciation


20 March, 1886
Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, who becomes historical founder of the MSC Sisters,
is ordained at s’Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

March, 1935
Mother M. Electa, Superior General of the MSC Sisters, and the Procurator General, Sr. M. Gerberga are arrested by the Gestapo in Hiltrup.
They are falsely accused of trafficking foreign currencies by Joseph Goebbels, Minister of the Propaganda of the German Third Reich.
Mother M. Electa will be released from prison one year later, on the 18 March, 1936.

12 March, 1965
The first two German MSC Sisters leave Hiltrup, Germany, to establish a foundation in Korea.
They arrived on the 24 March, 1965 and the next day, 25 March, 1965, was the Foundation Day of the Korean Mission of the MSC Sisters.
Besides almost 200 professed members in the Korean Province there are many enthusiastically committed lay members.


9 March, 1906
The first Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart is elected: Sister M. Franziska Fleige.


14 February


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lenten discipline for many Christian churches. It is traditionally a time of fasting and prayer. There are those who chose this time of the year to donate to charities.

Caritas offers the opportunity to donate through Project Compassion which this year is focused on the theme “A Just Future,” and features a new country each week, the stories explain the issues faced in each country.


 5 February, 1900
Canonical Erection of the Congregation of MSC Sisters and approbation of the Statutes for five years.


 2 February 2018

World Day for Consecrated life

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

In his homily at the Vatican Basilica Pope Francis reflected on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which is celebrated forty days after Christmas. He spoke of religious life as encounter with God and others and continued,

” For if the young are called to open new doors, the elderly hold the keys. An institute remains youthful by going back to its roots, by listening to its older members. There is no future without this encounter between the old and the young. There is no growth without roots and no flowering without new buds. There is never prophecy without memory, or memory without prophecy. And constant encounter.”



1 February 

SPIRIT and MISSION –     a time of reflection and prayer on what we have received and what we may be called to now.              

Our Founding Sisters of the Australian Province Eulalia, Aquilina, Maurillia, Zaccharia, Margareta.


1 January 2018

        51st WORLD DAY OF PEACE

Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace

Peace to all people and to all nations on earth! Peace, which the angels proclaimed to the shepherds on Christmas night      is a profound aspiration for everyone, for each individual and all peoples, and especially for those who most keenly suffer its absence. Among these whom I constantly keep in my thoughts and prayers, I would once again mention the over 250 million migrants worldwide, of whom 22.5 million are refugees. In a spirit of compassion, let us embrace all those fleeing from war and hunger, or forced by discrimination, persecution, poverty and environmental degradation to leave their homelands.