The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
was founded in 1899 by Father Hubert Linckens, a Missionary of the Sacred Heart.
He formed it in the spirit of his own Congregation
whose founder was Father Jules Chevalier.
Father Linckens placed our Congregation at the service of the Church and the world
and gave it a missionary dimension. (Constitutions 1,2)
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!

We are an international Congregation of approximately 600 Catholic women Religious
in 19 countries throughout the world.
MSC Sisters Germany
MSC Sisters Italy
MSC Sisters Korea
MSC Sisters Mexico
MSC Sisters United States of America
The Australian Province of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (MSC) holds the care, safety and well being of children and vulnerable people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our commitment and mission.
See: Australia/ Professional Standards: MSC Sisters Australian Province commitment to Protection of Children and Vulnerable People.